In [1]:
%run "11 - Machine Learning.ipynb"

import math

Spam Filter Implementation

In [2]:
def tokenize(message):
    message = message.lower()
    all_words = re.findall('[a-z0-9]+', message)
    return set(all_words)

In [3]:
from collections import defaultdict

def count_words(training_set):
    """training set consists of pairs (message, is_spam)"""
    counts = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
    for message, is_spam in training_set:
        for word in tokenize(message):
            counts[word][0 if is_spam else 1] += 1
    return counts

In [4]:
def word_probabilities(counts, total_spams, total_non_spams, k=0.5):
    """turn the word_counts into a list of triplets
    w, p(w | spam) and p(w | ~spam)"""
    return [(w,
            (spam + k) / (total_spams + 2 * k),
            (non_spam + k) / (total_non_spams + 2 * k))
            for w, (spam, non_spam) in counts.items()]

In [5]:
def spam_probability(word_probs, message):
    message_words = tokenize(message)
    log_prob_if_spam = log_prob_if_not_spam = 0.0
    # iterate through each word in our vocabulary
    for word, prob_if_spam, prob_if_not_spam in word_probs:
        # if *word* appears in the message,
        # add the log probability of seeing it
        if word in message_words:
            log_prob_if_spam += math.log(prob_if_spam)
            log_prob_if_not_spam += math.log(prob_if_not_spam)
        # if *word* doesn't appear in the message
        # add the log probability of _not_ seeing it
        # which is log(1 - probability of seeing it)
            log_prob_if_spam += math.log(1.0 - prob_if_spam)
            log_prob_if_not_spam += math.log(1.0 - prob_if_not_spam)
    prob_if_spam = math.exp(log_prob_if_spam)
    prob_if_not_spam = math.exp(log_prob_if_not_spam)
    return prob_if_spam / (prob_if_spam + prob_if_not_spam)

In [6]:
class NaiveBayesClassifier:
    def __init__(self, k=0.5):
        self.k = k
        self.word_probs = []

    def train(self, training_set):
        # count spam and non-spam messages
        num_spams = len([is_spam for message, is_spam in training_set if is_spam])
        num_non_spams = len(training_set) - num_spams
        # run training data through our "pipeline"
        word_counts = count_words(training_set)
        self.word_probs = word_probabilities(word_counts, num_spams, num_non_spams, self.k)

    def classify(self, message):
        return spam_probability(self.word_probs, message)

In [7]:
import glob, re
import random

# modify the path with wherever you've put the files
path = r'../../data/*/*'
data = []

# glob.glob returns every filename that matches the wildcarded path
for fn in glob.glob(path):
    is_spam = "ham" not in fn

    with open(fn,'r') as file:
            for line in file:
                if line.startswith("Subject:"):
                    # remove the leading "Subject: " and keep what's left
                    subject = re.sub(r"^Subject: ", "", line).strip()
                    data.append((subject, is_spam))
        except UnicodeDecodeError:

In [8]:
random.seed(0) # just so you get the same answers as me
train_data, test_data = split_data(data, 0.75)

classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier()

In [9]:
from collections import Counter

# triplets (subject, actual is_spam, predicted spam probability)
classified = [(subject, is_spam, classifier.classify(subject))
              for subject, is_spam in test_data]

# assume that spam_probability > 0.5 corresponds to spam prediction
# and count the combinations of (actual is_spam, predicted is_spam)
counts = Counter((is_spam, spam_probability > 0.5)
                 for _, is_spam, spam_probability in classified)



In [10]:
# sort by spam_probability from smallest to largest
classified.sort(key=lambda row: row[2])

# the highest predicted spam probabilities among the non-spams
spammiest_hams = list(filter(lambda row: not row[1], classified))[-5:]

# the lowest predicted spam probabilities among the actual spams
hammiest_spams = list(filter(lambda row: row[1], classified))[:5]



In [11]:


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